Studio training experience
Studios training experience
We believe that all students should have the possibility of learning and working inside a real studio, in order to fully understand the world of television and cinema.
This is a unique occasion which guarantees a highly professional experience in a real film studio.

Once a week all 3rd Year Videomaking students will have the chance to attend lessons inside a real film studio, exploring and putting into practice the professional skills of a videomaker.
Students will be taught how to use the studio equipment in a practical way, providing them with the necessary skills for working in this professional environment.
Lessons will focus on the best equipment to use for every situation. Students will be taught how to use these tools as well as their financial value etc. in order understand their value and importance.
Students will focus on themes regarding fashion, still life and the 180° white room of the sound stage.
Acting students

3rd Year Academic Acting students will have the possibility of being on set to further their understanding of how film studios work.
They will have a professional experience, starting from the dressing room just like professional actors of the Cinema industry.

055 294605 (9.00-14.00)
055 213030 (9.00-14.00)
Piazza Santo Spirito, 9
50125 Florence, Italy
Monday: 9.00 - 18.00
Tuesday: 9.00 - 18.00
Wednesday: 9.00 - 18.00
Thursday: 9.00 - 18.00
Friday: 9.00 - 18.00